Project-based learning (PBL) is a pedagogical approach that is grounded in the principles of active construction of meaning, situated learning, and social interaction. Key characteristics are the “project” as unit of instruction, emphasis on tangible artifacts as the outcome of the instructional unit, guiding questions/problems that are situated in authentic contexts, and rich opportunities for student-student and instructor-student collaboration.
So far this collaborative project includes the curriculum for an advanced German writing course, a pedagogical report on the course development process, and a workshop on the use of PBL in the foreign language classroom. The development of curricula for lower-level courses as well as action research studies are planned for the future.
- Brooks, L., & Kerschen, K. (forthcoming May 2022). Life beyond the classroom: Project-based learning and assessment in a foreign language writing course. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German.
Conference Presentations:
- Kerschen, K., & Brooks, L. (2021). Schaffen, Reflektieren, Selbstevaluarien: Projektgestützes Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Workshop at AATG – Central PA Chapter Meeting, [Virtual Format], 13 March. Invited Workshop
- Kerschen, K., & Brooks, L. (2019). Project-based learning and assessment in a foreign language writing course. Presentation/workshop at the Pennsylvania State Modern Languages Association (PSMLA) Conference, State College, PA, 24-26 October.
Collaborators: Lauren Brooks (North Carolina State University)